Unit Code: CH006-512
Pre or Co-requisites: None
The Reformation is a pivotal period for an understanding of where Protestant Christianity came from. However it was not something that occurred out of the blue. This subject will explore the Reformation in context beginning with end of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance and examining the causes and precursors of the Reformation. Both the major reformers in Martin Luther, John Calvin, and Huldrych Zwingli will be studied as well as the Anabaptists and the “Radical Reformation”. The Reformation in England and Scotland and the development of the Puritans are also included. Finally, it is important to see the effect of the Reformation, so the Catholic Counter Reformation is explored as well as the growth of Protestantism up to 1662.
Unit availabilities are subject to change. Please contact the enrolments team at enrolments@mst.edu.au for further information.
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