Diploma of Ministry
Grow in your understanding of God and His Word, and be equipped with practical ministry skills for a wide range of Christian ministries.
Diploma of Theology
Establish a foundation in theological knowledge and reflection by which the knowledge of God is developed and applied to everyday life in Christ.
Diploma of Christian Studies
Ideal for those fresh out of school or returning to studies. Grow your confidence and understanding of the Bible, with an emphasis on applying the Word to everyday life.
Associate Degree of Ministry
Grow your confidence and understanding of the Bible, with an emphasis on applying the Word to everyday life.
Bachelor of Christian Studies
This degree is the perfect way to integrate your secular university degree with your faith.
Advanced Diploma of Ministry
Grow your confidence and understanding of the Bible, with an emphasis on applying the Word to everyday life.
Master of Theological Studies
Broaden your knowledge and skills whilst learning how to apply an advanced body of theological knowledge to life and ministry in preparation for professional practice and further learning.
Doctor of Ministry
The Doctor of Ministry is a research doctoral award whose graduates make a significant and original contribution to knowledge as applied in the context of professional Christian ministry practice.
Master of Theology
Discover the possibilities of theological research that serves and equips the church
Master of Missional Leadership
Developing leaders to serve with missional impact & Christ-likeness in an ever-changing world