Unit Code: NT008-612
Pre or Co-requisites: Yes
In our New Testament we have four Gospels. In some respects they are very similar, yet in other ways they are quite different. How do we explain these differences, and how do we understand the Gospels as both pieces of literature and parts of Scripture?
This subject looks at these issues with a particular focus on Luke’s Gospel. You will be introduced to Luke’s major themes, such as Jesus’ concern for the poor and marginalised in society, and the very confronting things that he has to say about wealth and possessions. You will also study in depth several chapters of Luke – this should help immensely with Bible study and sermon preparation. Finally, we will look at Jesus as a figure of history. Who did Jesus really think he was, and what was he trying to achieve? These are important questions as we dialogue with others both inside and outside the church.
(Units which must be completed either concurrently with or prior to enrolment into a unit)
NT001-512, NT001-712 or NT003-512, NT003-712
Other conditions may apply. Please contact the enrolments team at enrolments@mst.edu.au if you have any questions.
Available: Semester 1, 2025
Lecturer: Greg Forbes
Unit availabilities are subject to change. Please contact the enrolments team at enrolments@mst.edu.au for further information.
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Auditing is a great opportunity for those who have some time on their hands and would like to dip their toes into quality Christian Studies without the pressure of assessments.
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*Plus a one-time admin fee of $150 for new students (charged if accepted). Not applicable to returning students.
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